Eero vastaa fanien The Rasmukselle lähettämiin kysymyksiin tässä!
Radio Novassa on vietetty The Rasmus-viikkoa. Fanit ympäri maailmaa ovat lähettäneet bändille kysymyksiä. Here are Eero's answers.
Kun he etsivät vastauksia surullista laulua Rasmus? ja tulee Peru?
Eero answers:
- Kyllä kiitos, haluamme tulla Peruun esintymään. Joku joskus tarjosikin meille keikkaa sinne, mutta tapahtuma peruuntui viime tingassa. Luulen, että kaikki laulumme eivät oo surullisia, varsinkaan tällä uudella levyllä. Tai ehkä se on jotain mitä me kutsumme "positiiviseksi surullisuudeksi".'
Hey guys and Radio NovaI here are my questions,Greetings from Acapulco,Mexico!!
*What song from the new album has an special meaning for you and why???
*What song from the new album (besides "I'm A Mess") for sure will be part of the setlist from the new tour??
Eero vastaa:
- Biisit jotka on mulle jotenkin avainasemassa levyllä ovat Sky ja I'm a Mess. Sky on ollut mun eräs suosikkibiisi jo pitkään, meillä oli siitä joku versio jo monta vuotta sitten. Ja Messissä sanoitus on tuntuu hyvin henkilökohtaiselta.
Hei guys, I'm one of the managers in the official chilean rasmus Fan club ''One & Only'' I'd like to know if there is some posibility for our country to see you live, we lost the chance to see you in may of 2009 and it was very sad for all chilean fans. I'd like to give to them that news or at least any hope before to move to Finland. (my boyfriend is finnish) So guys see you in October there, or in some summer festival :P
Eero answers:
- We will be glad to come and play in chile. right now we haven't received any offers from chile, but latin America & mexico are very important for us. we hope to see you soon there!
To every musician in the band:In Hell of a Tester,there's a song "Help me sing" that reminds a little The Beatles style;our generation has grown up with the trilogy of movies "Back to the Future" : so,if you could have a time machine to travel back between '60 and '80, what band/artist would you like to plays with in a Festival?
Eero answers:
- I would love to share a festival stage with Jimi Hendrix or meet Beatles in backstage. Also Beach Noys would be cool to see on a festival stage. And Aretha Franklin.
Hi guys!!!!
I love you with all my soul, since I was 13, that was 8 years ago!!
I spent all my teenage time listening you and you became so important in my life!
I wanna ask you to explain a bit about each song's lyrics, what are about and ask you to come to Argentina this year! Please we are waiting for you to rock like last gig in Luna Park :D♥
Eero answers:
- One of my favorite lyric on this album is "I'm a Mess", I think it's a story of a person, who realizes that he is not in total control his own life. Somehow that idea sounds true and good, I think that in general we always think that we can control everything, but in reality it is not so. Life is something that happens to us in the way that it wants to, if we have too many desires and ideas, it might leave us disappointed.
At first..Thanks to Radio Nova for this wonderful opportunity. I would like to thank The Rasmus for the fantastic songs from the new album. The new, as the songs of the past, continue to make my life beautiful. thanks..
For the guys: I want to know what they like about the Italian fans and what they don't like about them.
For Lauri: I was very impressed by the song " Sky".. is a special song! I could know if the story is autobiographical. about him?
For Lauri: You want to be the "Stranger" who takes me away? :D ok joke!..Guys..thanks because you are so fantastic! see you soon in Milan!
Eero answers:
- I love Italy. The food, the people.. Actually I lived in Italy for a while, in a small city close to Voghera, called Cabella Ligure. Italians have a good heart. I'm really looking forward to play the concert in Milan.
Moi jätkät! : ) mullaki ois pari kysymystä.
1. Ärsyttääkö Lauria kun kaikki matkii sitä hiustyylissä ja ottaa samaa tatuointia ja muita? :D ( mutku se hiustyyli on vaa nii kiva :'>)
2. Onko yhtään festarikeikkaa tiedossa suomeen?? : )
3. Mikä biisi on teijän lemppari biisi uudelta levyltä?
Ja sit jos voisittel lähettää terkkuja mulle! :D (Yritän kuunnella haatiksen vaikka yhteys onki tosi huono ku kanava suhisee vaan :'()
Eero vastaa:
- Moimoi! toivotaan ja harkitaan yhtä tai kahta festarikeikkaa suomeen. olis hienoa olla ruisrockissa, oulun q-stockissa tai saimaa-festarilla. Mun tän hetken lempparibiisi taitaa olla "Someone's gonna light you up"
My name is Iraís, and I'm from México!!! :) By the way we love The Rasmus very very much!!!! <3 We can't wait anymore for the new album!!!! :)
And my question is this:
If the new album were a person, how would you describe it?
Greetings from México!!!! Hope to see you soon back here :)
Eero answers:
- That person would be open and honest, colourful and happy, but also a touch of sadness and depth that comes with life.
muutama kysymys nallebändille:
miksi laurilla on sulkia päässä??
mikä on teiän lempiruoka??=D
mitä te aatteletta niistä, jotka haukkuu the rasmusta??
(ei pahalla,mutta) miks ootta välillä aika lapsellisia??
paljon kiitoksia, jos vastaatte. ootte paras bändi ikinä!! love you!!<3<3<3<3 ;)
Eero vastaa:
- Ollaan lapsellisia varmaan siks että jos ei oltais, ei me pysyttäis niissä vähissäkään järjissä joita meissä on jäljellä.
Heippa Rasset!! Haluaisitteko joskus esiintyä Alahärmän Powerparkissa? Mikä on teidän suosion salaisuus? :)
Eero vastaa:
- Suosion salaisuus taitaa olla irtokarkeissa. Se syödään niitä sopivan usein. Pitää mielen virkeänä ja hampaat huonossa kunnossa.
Heippa nallukat! Mä haluisin tietää, mikä on albumin teossa vaikeinta ja mikä hauskinta? Onko kesällä mitään festarikeikkoi tiedossa? Ja vielä millaista settiä tullaan kuulemaan Suomen rundil lokakuussa?
Eero vastaa:
- Lokakuun rundi tulee olemaan kivaa! mahtavaa vihdoin soittaa suomessa, monen vuoden jälkeen. Toivottavasti tavataan vanhoja (ja uusiakin) fanejamme. Soitetaan konserttisaleissa, mukana on muutaman biisin akustinen minisetti keskellä "sähköistä" keikkaa.
hey rasmus, I just want to know whether you like choco-muffins with cheries, I'll make you some and give you when you're here in Germany ;D and my real question: on the tour, will you give signing-hours, I would love to have an autograph :)
Eero answers:
- Muffins are always welcome! And I will gladly give you an autograph in front of the tour bus after the concert.
hi guys i would ask if you feel as renewed or fresh with this new cd ;)
Eero answers:
- We feel very refreshed. Making these songs was lot of fun, in a way it was like going back to our "old way" of making songs. and we've been rehearsing the new songs a lot, that's also lot of fun. We kind of re-invented our live playing thing.
Hello, guys! We are yours russian-speaking fans from And hope you'll answer our questions:
1. In 2010 the american band «Backstreet Boys» has organized an unusual tour – a cruise on a ship across the Atlantic Ocean. This tour lasted for 4 days and during that days the guys from the band and fans had fun – they swam in the ocean all together, had parties, played beach games, sang songs, danced and so on. Also in December 2011 Backstreet Boys have made the same tour. And the question is: What do you think about this idea? Have You (or guys from The Rasmus) ever thought about making such a cruise across the Baltic Sea, for example?
2.What price would You pay and what can You sacrifice for The Rasmus to become as famous as G’N’R, Rolling Stones, Metallica, U2, etc.
We all hope to hear your answers! Good luck guys!
With respect from lots of russian-speaking countries!
3.Do You plan to make a tour, suppoting the new album of The Rasmus, in Russia, Ukraine, Belorussia, Latvia?
Eero answers:
- We will come and play several shows in Ukraine and in Russia, in late June and early July 2012. That will be fun! That backstreet cruise sounds interesting. We should try that sometime. I like the ocean and cruise ships. 2 day cruise between germany and finland, perhaps?
Hi guys! First of all let me tell you I'm so happy with your come back!! I'm starting to fall in love with the new songs (: it's just a bit different than what we're used to listen from you, but keeps that The Rasmus' fresh, funny style that's been present since your first album!!! Well... my question's about that subject. Since there are some fans complaining about the new style of Rasmus' songs... What do you think about it? Do you think/feel you changed that much? What would you say to people who's still not convinced about The Rasmus' new sound? Personally I think it's wonderful that you're not stuck on the same style, this kind of evolution has been an important part of The Rasmus' career and says a lot about the band's quality and your own personal growing :) keep on rocking guys!! See you soon on stage, when you come to Mexico
Eero answers:
- I think that this sound just came out of us spontaneously, we did not try to change or have something different. it just happened that way. Lauri told that he feels like not to fake any dark feelings. so better be positive if it feels like that.
Joskus muinoin liikkui huhuja, että olisitte olleet kyhäämässä toista DVD:tä Live Lettersin rinnalle (tämän piti ilmeisesti sisältää jotain fanihaastattelujakin?). Onko tämä pelkkää ympäriinsä kiertänyttä hölynpölyä, vai tuliko sittemmin jotain mutkia matkaan ja DVD:tä ei saatukaan tehtyä?
Eero vastaa:
- Joo, meillä on pyörinyt mielessä tehdä live-dvd, johon laitettais muutakin materiaalia kuin livesoittoa, mutta sitä ei olla vielä saatu valmiiksi.
Hi Aki, Lauri, Eero and Pauli,
I would like to know what kind of feeling it was to write and record "it's your night" and "Friends don't do it like that"?
And I also would like to ask if you ever got a Fan gift that really was wrong, so anything you really dislike?
Hope you all are healthy and I'm looking forward to see you playing live in Berlin, finally my first concert after beeing your fan since 1997. It's such a good feeling to know that you are back.
Hugs and all support by heart from Germany.
Eero answers:
- Those songs were easy and fun to write. I guess we changed It's your night in the studio a bit, it had a different guitar riff, that we didn't put in the final song. Friends don't do.. was for us like a small escape out of our normal form, it has that harmony-break down part. That's something that we don't usually do. Berlin will be lot of fun!!
Lue myös: Lauri vastaa fanien The Rasmukselle lähettämiin kysymyksiin tässä!
Aki vastaa fanien The Rasmukselle lähettämiin kysymyksiin tässä!
The Rasmus -viikko huipentui huikeaan haastatteluun - Kuuntele!
(Radio Nova)